The first of Hopefully Many

I have absolutely NO idea what I am doing and I have had this blog now since Reese was first born and well... We can see how well it has progressed.  But I want this blog to be a place where we can post things about our family, so the rest of the family and friends that don't live close can stay in touch.  Our family is changing everyday.  Reese is independent to say the least, Alex is praying for the last day of her senior year to come rapidly fast and Sam is so busy with Softball and being the editor of the yearbook that she doesn't know whether she is coming or going.
Life is moving to fast and I can't seem to slow it down.  I went to buy a baby gift for a friend today who is pregnant and I wanted to get her something that I used everyday when Reese was little and it seemed so far away and it made me so sad.  I keep trying to slow it down and well that's not going so well either.

Reese - We went to the doctor for her 15 month check up and she is 33.25 inches tall (99%) and 26.4 lbs (97%).  Her pediatrician said that the next few months would be tough because she is going to go through tantrums because she can't tell us exactly what she wants.  Well that was an understatement, she makes it very clear when she is frustrated with us.  WOW, don't get me wrong she is a wonderful baby girl and very smart, but she does know what she wants! (We have know idea where she gets it, HA) She is making me laugh because she will grab Robert and I's finger and literally lead us around the house and when we don't follow in the right direction she tugs with all her might.  Then if she wants us to pick something up or do something, she will point to it with the hand she is holding as if to say... You pick it up, it's right there!  Makes us laugh, soooo smart.

Alex - Next week she is up for Senior Basketball Royalty, QUEEN Candidate, I am so proud. We can't show how proud we really are, she doesn't want any fuss made, she wants to pretend it is no big deal, but it is a nomination of her peers and that is a very big deal.  I will post some recent family pictures and you will see how beautiful she is!  How beautiful they all are! I can't take any credit for the beauty of Alex and Sam, but I can be proud!  She is applying to colleges with is exciting and sad.  I had a moment over the break to really realize that she will be heading to COLLEGE next year, and GRADUATING in may and that is very hard.  I pray that she doesn't forget where home is!
She has a strong interest in Athletic Training and I think that is the area that she will study at college at least in the beginning, who knows if that is where it will stay (we all seem to change majors one time or another)

Sam - Busy, Busy, Busy... She is the editor of the school yearbook and loves it, she is absolutely amazing at it. Photography has become a very wonderful skill and enjoyment for her.  Being editor has made her realize that getting things accomplished doesn't always allow you to be everyones best friend, but she has done a wonderful job of taking on a leadership role with class.  She is still very busy with softball practice for the Ladyjays and will soon start practice for the Pride traveling team.  She has turned into a hell of a catcher!  So look for us to be on the move traveling iwth the softball team soon.  Once it starts it's a whirlwind of innings that seem to never stop!  Bring it on!

Well that is just a taste of what is going on lately, much more to come with lots of pictures (that the girls will hate, but that will be okay too)

I will also ask those that will read this blog not to critique the grammar, I will do my best!


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